Music & Memory 2010-2015
At the end of 2019 I began a series of one page comics, part autobiography, part recap of my musical highlights of the decade. You can find them as individual posts over on my blog, but here are the first 6 posts compiled as a single comic.
I chose the albums that evoked the most vivid memories for each year, so this is not simply my ‘best of’, but a personal reflection of how we weave music into our lives, both consciously and unconsciously.
For each page, I attempted to sketch out the story in full whilst listening to the album once through, to try and capture as natural a distillation of the sensory memories as I could.
In reflection of how we find personal meaning in lyrics no matter who they are written for, i included the most pertinent lines, and reflected the albums artwork and palette through the illustrated snapshots of my life that they sound-tracked.
Soon I will be embarking on the second half of the decade. but for now please enjoy my life through music between 2010 and 2015, and check out the albums if you don’t already know them.
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